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Wersja z dnia 00:09, 29 cze 2022 autorstwa A4m74n (dyskusja | edycje) (Created page with "VER, Voluntary Emission Reduction or Verified Emission Reduction. It is a type of carbon offset traded in the voluntary emission reduction market. VERs are subject to voluntary certification mechanisms for the creation of carbon offsets. VERs are created by voluntary projects not subject to the Kyoto Protocol regulations. Like CERs (Certified Emission Reductions), 1 VER is equivalent to 1 tonne of CO2e emissions avoided or neutralized.")
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VER, Voluntary Emission Reduction or Verified Emission Reduction. It is a type of carbon offset traded in the voluntary emission reduction market. VERs are subject to voluntary certification mechanisms for the creation of carbon offsets.

VERs are created by voluntary projects not subject to the Kyoto Protocol regulations. Like CERs (Certified Emission Reductions), 1 VER is equivalent to 1 tonne of CO2e emissions avoided or neutralized.

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